
About Us

PhilatelicRegister.com website

The PhilatelicRegister.com website has been created to complement thephilatelicregister.com website/blog

Click here for Further Details about "thephilatelicregister.com".

When registering an account on PhilatelicRegister.com please check your "spam" folder if confirmatory email notification not received.

All new registrants will be subscribed to thephilatelicregister.com newsletter (not registered on the website). You may unsubscribe at any time.

This website will develop to complement and support thephilatelicregister.com.  

PhilatelicRgister.com  Stores

The website is available to those eligible as retail platform with a comprehensive array of features familiar to those who use the main multiseller sites.:
A comprehensive category listing, this can be expanded to cater for needs of individual sellers.  Full secure invoicing and payment facilities, with a choice of up to 5 payment gateways available to sellers; PayPal, WorldPay, Nochex, SagePay and Stripe. Internal messaging facility to enable communication and updating buyers with progress of order. Up to 15 images per item. Make an Offer facility. Discount voucher facility. 


All sellers must be members of a professional trade society or organisation. The Internet Philatelic Dealers Association (IPDA) is an association that is dedicated exclusively to those who sell on the internet. Its membership list is publicly available as is its Code of Ethics. This requirement should provide buyers with more reassurance than an "excellent" feedback rating on multiseller sites, and a more ready recourse to redress in the unlikely event that they should encounter problems resolving any transactiional issues with a seller.


IPDA membership list

IPDA Code of Ethics

Sellers are expected to maintain standards with regards material offered through the site and to follow guidelines when listing items for sale. These guidelines and a step by step guide to creating a store may be  downloaded at bottom of this page.

Sellers retain control of their business; offer the payment options they want, deal with their own tax liabilities and can even promote their own other online sales platforms if they have them. There is a very simple fee structure, currently:

One fee, 2½% of sale price per item up to £2000. (1p - £2.50 no sales fee)   Flat rate of £50 per item over £2000.    No Sale, No Fee
The success or otherwise of the site as a platform for sellers, with negligible selling fees, is reliant on all abiding with the "ethos" of the site. 

If you wish to open a store on PhilatelicRegister.com 

Register on site and email: philatelicregister@gmail.com

On receipt of your "seller status" being confirmed follow the guidance notes to set up your store in:

The Opportunities & Guide to creating your sales platform.

Click above to download PDF